Thursday, October 16, 2008


You are almost there! Congratulations! By the end of this month, your efforts in astronomy will be locked up and away in the old gradebook vault.

But, today, you still have this blog activity and one other to do. This project deals with the Expanding Universe and the work of Hubble, which leads to the current picture provided by WMAP.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO POST THIS ACTIVITY ON YOUR BLOG. You DO need to hand in a worksheet.

Download the software from here.

Print the worksheet from here. You will need one worksheet for every two to three people (Group work will not be accepted if more than three people are on a sheet. If the substitute notices a lack of effort, you may receive a zero even IF your name is attached to a sheet). The lab has been reserved for you to work.

This lab is similar to the stellar spectra lab we did earlier in the term, and the telescope operates the same way, but you are using galaxies, not stars. Your signal/noise ratio must be 15 in order to be valid.

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