Thursday, September 4, 2008

Reflecting vs. Refracting Telescope (10 pts)

Compare Newton's telescope to Galileo's telescope, and then answer the following on the comments section of this blog.

What advantages did Newton's telescope have over Galileo's?
Why were people afraid Galileo's telescope was a 'blasphemy'?
What impact did the telescope have on our society? List three advantages that occurred as a result of the improvement.



1. Newton's telescope could see the color spectrum

2. It showed Earth wasn't the center of the universe and the church didn't want to believe that

3.The telescope paved the way for all future astronomers

Allowed us to examine space more clearly

Open the door to more reaserch

Changed the way we look at the entire solar system

Kelly said...

1. Better colour used in newton's telescope
2. Saw that Jupiter's moons orbited Jupiter and that meant the earth wasn't the center of the universe
3. Many things in the universe were discovered.
- Jupiter's moons
- Sun spots
- Pluto!

Lovely_Wolf said...

1)You can see better colors, clearer pictures.

2)Because God didn't create it

3)We discovered many new things in outer space

4)Moon craters, sun spots, planets, rotations

JEWhawk said...

1. Newton's was on a stand so they just put it on the ground but Galileo's was not on the stand so they had to hold it. so when you were looking at the stars, the hand would shake.
2. because the heaven's are god's territory and they were afraid that god would get mad.
3. they were able to find all the planets and stars. go to space, understand the sun, find everything in space

Justin Wenger said...

-newtons telescope could see color

-it proved that the earth was the center of the universe

-it was a better way to observe the sky for the world

-more research
-learn more about solar system
-made looking at space easier

Troy Mensen said...

1) Newton's telescope could see color
2) It proved that the earth was the center of the universe
3) It was a better way to observe the sky from the earth
- We could study space more clearly
- It changed the way we look at the solar system
- Opened up the door for the future research

Kiera Lee said...

1) Newton's telescope could see better color
2) Showed that the earth was not the center of the universe
3)We could observe the sky better
4) -study space more clearly
-more research could be done
-discovered sun spots, stars, and planets
-understand the sun

Andy Curtis said...

1. Ability to distinguish colors.
2. It proved that their century-old beliefs were incorrect.
3. Increased mankind's interest in the universe.
-Sparked new ideas.
-Left room for more improvement.
-Created countless opportunities for future astronomers to observe the universe.

Mariah Mack said...

What advantages did Newton's telescope have over Galileo's?
->Newton's was on a stand and Galileo's wasn't and Newton's had color

Why were people afraid Galileo's telescope was a 'blasphemy'?
->It proved that the sun didn't revovle around the Earth but the Earth revolved around the sun

What impact did the telescope have on our society?
->Made objects in the "heavens appear closer and people were able to study and recorde their movements and the way they looked better

List three advantages that occurred as a result of the improvement.
->improved the way we viewed the solar system
->allowed us to study objects farther away in the sky
->helped make way for future astronomers to study the sky

Jordan Mangold said...

1. newtons telescope could see color

2.showed that earth wasnt the center of the universe.

3.made space able to be studied and able to be recorded in their movements and the way they looked.

4. made it possible to discover things in space.made it possible to study the sun. changed the way people today look at the solor system.

Bengav said...

1. Newtons telescope could see colors
2. Showed the earth to be the center of the universe
3. It was a better way to observe the sky from the earth
Some advantages-
-We could observe space better
-Changed our outlook on the solar system
-Future research

Ellen Reiss said...

1.) He used a mirror in his telescope and his telescope could see the color spectrum.

2.) His discoveries proved that not everything in the universe revolved around the Earth, and the Church believed the Bible said the Earth was the center of the universe.

3.) It proved that the Sun was the center of the universe. It discovered the moons of Jupiter. It discovered galaxies.

..Maria.. said...

1. It showed colors
2. Becasue god didn't create it so it was considered blasphemy
3. The other astronomers used ait and helped them umderstand the earth
4. -discovered planets like pluto
-you can see space more clearly
- umderstood space better

Jake said...

Advantages to Newton's Telescope:
1) Newton's telescope broke down the color spectrum, allowing him to see all of the colors...roygbiv
2) It proved that Earth was not the center of the universe, and that in fact the earth revolved around the sun
3) It was a better telescope to study the outside universe (stars, planets, etc.)

-Newton's telescope had a major impact on our society, in the fact that we were able to study more accurately the solar system and the universe.

bdomeyer said...

1. newton's telescope could see the color spectrum

2.showed that earth wasn't the center of the universe

3.helped discover many things in space

4.changed the way we look at the solar system

allowed us to examine space more clearly

opened the door to more research

Hannah Routier said...

Newton's telescope could see the color spectrum and Galileo's couldn't.
Because it proved that earth was not the center of the universe and that went against the church.
1. Discovered galaxies
2. discovered the moons of juipter
3. proved that the earth did not move around the sun.
they were able to see more in space and find more moons and planets.

Dan Marshall said...

1. Newton's telescope could see color better.

2. Earth wasn't the center of the universe.

3. You could observe the sky better such as stars and other planets.
-more research
-made space research easier

DYLAN said...

-Newtons telescope could see better colors.

-Showed that earth wasent the center of the universe

-It was a better way to observe the sky from the earth.

-more research
-learn more about solar system
-made looking at space easier

.:Kayla:. said...

1. Newton's telescope could see color

2. Helped prove the earth wasn't the center of the universe

3. you could observe the sky more and study the planets and stars

4. Can understand space better
Helps find more research

Chris Ketchum said...

1. Newtons telescope could see color better.
2. showed that earth isn't the center of the universe
3. it was a better way to observe the sky from earth
4. allowed us to examine space clearly, do more research, and change the way people look at the solar system

Unknown said...
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Ellen Reiss said...

1.) He used a mirror in his telescope and his telescope could see the color spectrum.

2.) His discoveries proved that not everything in the universe revolved around the Earth, and the Church believed the Bible said the Earth was the center of the universe.

3.) It proved that the Sun was the center of the universe. It discovered the moons of Jupiter. It discovered galaxies