Thursday, November 6, 2008

All the pieces of the total...20 points

Pick one of the following: Mercury, Venus, Mars, the asteroid belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the Oort Cloud, the Kuiper belt, comets, or killer asteroids. Find a video in English from or Youtube and embed it in your blog. Summarize the video, and provide information about the size of the object(s) in comparison to Earth (8000 mi/diameter), its distance to the Sun, space exploration efforts, weight on this object in comparison to Earth (if you can find it), and material composition (metal, water, rock, etc.). You may wish to Google "Your weight on other worlds" or go to 9 Planets for more help

Thursday, October 16, 2008


You are almost there! Congratulations! By the end of this month, your efforts in astronomy will be locked up and away in the old gradebook vault.

But, today, you still have this blog activity and one other to do. This project deals with the Expanding Universe and the work of Hubble, which leads to the current picture provided by WMAP.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO POST THIS ACTIVITY ON YOUR BLOG. You DO need to hand in a worksheet.

Download the software from here.

Print the worksheet from here. You will need one worksheet for every two to three people (Group work will not be accepted if more than three people are on a sheet. If the substitute notices a lack of effort, you may receive a zero even IF your name is attached to a sheet). The lab has been reserved for you to work.

This lab is similar to the stellar spectra lab we did earlier in the term, and the telescope operates the same way, but you are using galaxies, not stars. Your signal/noise ratio must be 15 in order to be valid.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Two sides to every story

Is there life out there? What do you think? Go to Origins and take the interactive quiz. It presents both sides to every story.

When you get done, manipulate the Drake equation to allow less than 10, more than 1000, and more than 10000 civilizations in a galaxy.

Summarize your ideas and rationale behind them on a post on your blog.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Stellar Evolution--a better picture

This picture shows a larger version of the handout you have, and is part of an interactive map of stellar evolution found HERE

Black Holes--a type of Dark matter 15 pt

Go through the basics of the Black Hole tutorial to find out the answers to the following:

a)  what are the parts of a black hole?
b)  how is gravity related to a black hole?
c)  how can we see the holes if they are black?
d)  what's a Swarzschild radius?
e)  how do Einstein's theories relate to this?

You need to post the answers to these questions on your own blog.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Galaxy Zoo LAB (20 points)

Go to Galaxy Zoo and create a login.  You will need to complete the tutorial and print the Congratulations sheet for me.  Hand in.

This lab must be done by all people in the class.

Stellar Evolution video

Add your observations to your stellar evolution map....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thursday, 10/2

Happy noontime!  Today, you will be working on a variety of projects, including studying for the test, doing the SDSS lab, and starting the stellar explorer project.  You should be in the computer lab, or in the room if the substitute gives you permission.

Expect 25 questions on the test tomorrow, 15 directly from the review sheet.  Text me if you have any problems.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

In case you wondered about the Van Allen belts...

Thank God we have those belts!  They protect us from the brunt of cosmic electromagnetic radiation that could harm us because the energy

Stellar Evolution map 25 points

Your will need to create a concept map of Stellar Evolution by Friday. To do this, you will need a sheet of 18" x 24" paper, and the following links. While you are able to work with friends, what you hand in is your own. The grading rubric is found here

If you wish, you may use an online mapping tool or PowerPoint instead of the poster.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How CCD works 15 points.

Basic Details of a CCD can be found here. A CCD is a light bucket that can analyze photons through something called the photoelectric effect. We can thank Einstein for this understanding....

Your goal today is to learn more about the photoelectric effect by working on the lab design here

Summarize your findings on your blog for this lab. Tables of data would be nice.

Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey LAB--25 pts

SDSS is an ambitious project that attempts to map 1/4 of the visible sky over a period of years. This is a HUGE database of more than 90 million objects.

To familiarize yourself with such a tool, you will be doing an online lab, found here

The accompanying worksheet can be found here Copy it into a Microsoft Word document if you wish, or print it off and write in the values.

Everyone must do this post, even if not enrolled in the lab section of astronomy.

Due Date: 10/7/2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

Wilson and Penzias vs. Davis and Bahcall

It's not fair! Wilson and Penzias discovered CMB in months, while Davis and Bahcall had to work almost 40 years to get their results on the neutrino.

Comment on the role of serendipity in the role of science. Do you think serendipity played a part in the discoveries of either team?

Also, comment on the fact that three of the four above won Nobel prizes. Do Nobel prizes favor experimentalists or theorists? Who gets left out?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Finding out about Sunspots LAB (30 pts)


How do sunspots affect us? What do you know about sunspots? Want to observe sunspots? Track solar flare/sunspot activity?m Interpret Maunder diagrams? Look at magnetic fields of sunspots?

Here's your chance. You have one week to take a look at sunspots and create an artifact and 1 page summary. Talk to me if you have questions.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

How do you study? (10)

There will be a test next week, and the first two tests have not gone so well for many of you. Perhaps it is a college test that creates anxiety. Perhaps it is a lack of studying. Perhaps it is not knowing WHAT to study.

SO please, tell me by Friday noon, 9/26/2008, exactly how you prepare for the exam. Post as a COMMENT on this blog. Late assignments for the post will not be accepted.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Telescope Types (15)

As we study ideas like the HR diagram, we need more and more telescopes to gather data. How do new telescopes, like the Webb telescopes, which focus on gathering light from ancient stars, differ from Galileo's or Newton's, or even the Hale telescope? What types of EM radiation do they look for? Why can't we see these from earth?

Pick one of the following telescopes and find out a)the EM radiation range targeted by the following telescopes (there may be more than one) b) a picture generated by this telescope (or, if it is a prototype, a schematic of the design) c) how old the light coming into the telescope is, in light years or light minutes d) if the telescope uses mirrors, CCDs, lenses, or a combination of all. Post. Note: this is such an open-ended assignment that it would be INCONCEIVABLE for all the data to be the same (so quit copying..I notice :-)


James Webb Telescope




the Very Large Array

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Notes on Stellar Spectra (10 pts)

The picture includes some of the notes that the class took on stars and stellar spectra. Use the class-generated information to answer the questions below. Do this on your own blog, please.

1. Absorption spectra are created when a gas passes in front of an emitted photon of light. A line spectra appears when no gas is available. What type of spectra are more likely to be produced when light travels to earth?

2. Is parallax more likely to appear for closer or further stars? Why do you believe this?

3. A Cepheid variable is a star that allows us to measure distance using a period? What variable are we using for the period?

4. What is the the nuclear engine in the heart of a star, and how does it work?

5. How is magnitude different from a star's intensity? Why?

Escaping the sun LAB/class data (25 pts)

Go to CLEA and get the lab from here

Login and turn the layers ON for at least one trial for each Part.

Part A: Run the flow situation for a photon. Record the data in terms of # of layers vs. interactions. Collect data for 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 layers

As the number of layers increases, what happens to the number of interactions? Is this a linear relationship, or an exponential relationship? How do you know?

Part B: Run the flow situation for a diffusion, and record the data as you did in Part A.

How did the data change when we had larger numbers of photons? Is this data more accurate or less accurate than that collected in Part A? Why do you think so?

Part C: Run the EXPERIMENT. The red cylinder represents the atmosphere, the line drawing at the right represents your eye, and the light at the left represents a photon leaving the light source.

Collect data for photons at 1.5 eV, 1.8 eV, 2.0 eV, 2.3 eV and 2.5 eV. Notice as you adjust the energy, you also adjust the wavelength.

Create a table as follows:

Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) Photons sent Photons detected

As the energy of a photon increases, what happens to its wavelength? As the energy of a photon increases, what pattern is present for the number of photons detected? Why?

Part D: Run the EXPERIMENT again, but this time, set the photon energy level at 2.2 eV, and change the gas the element is traveling through.

This time, your table should look like this:

Energy (eV) Wavelength (nm) Gas Atoms Photons Sent Photons Detected

What effect do the different types of gas atoms have on the # of photons detected? What would this have to do with a line spectra? If you changed the energy of the photons and ran the experiment again and again, do you think you would continually get the same patterns? Why or why not?

This lab/class activity is due as a post on your blog on 9/24/2008.

Savage Sun

This is a required video for the class. Please highlight notes as you do this.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Annie Cannon and the Spectra 10 points

Imagine you have one task to which you spend your ENTIRE life in dedication. What would you do? Annie Cannon chose to spend her life studying spectra, and a biography appears here

Your blog post today tells me of your biggest dream or passion at this point in your life....who knows, maybe you will be remembered for more than 400000 contributions, as she was...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lab 4: Measuring the Speed of Light with Chocolate

Measuring the Speed of Light With Chocolate (15 points, 20 if you vlog the activity)

Total Duration:
20 minutes
Materials and Equipment:
1. Microwave
2. Chocolate chips or a big bar of chocolate--the cooking size.
3. Paper plate
4. Ruler

Remove turntable from microwave
Scatter a single layer of chocolate chips over paper plate, or use a big bar of chocolate.
Place in microwave
Microwave for a few seconds (depends on microwave--15 to 45 seconds) until chocolate starts to melt
Measure the distance between hotspots

Measuring the Speed of Light with Chocolate
(adapted from )

Anyone can measure the speed of light (c) - with chocolate and a microwave
oven! The only equipment you need for this experiment is a microwave, a ruler
and chocolate.

The speed of light is equal to the wavelength (λ) multiplied by the frequency (f)
of an electromagnetic wave (microwaves and visible light are both examples of
electromagnetic waves).

When you turn on your microwave oven, electrical circuits inside start generating
microwaves – electromagnetic waves with frequencies around 2.5 gigahertz –
2500000000 Hz. These waves bounce back and forth between the walls of the
oven. The size of the oven is chosen so that the peaks and troughs of the
reflected waves line up with the incoming waves and form a “standing wave”.
The electromagnetic field inside the microwave behaves in roughly the same way
as a guitar string except the vibrations are in “the electromagnetic field”. Where
the vibrations are greatest (the antinodes), you will see the greatest heating, but
at the nodes, the chocolate will only melt slowly as heat diffuses into those

You do it.
Remove the turntable from the microwave (so the plate does not rotate). Place
chocolate scattered on a plate inside the microwave. Heat the chocolate until it
just starts to melt - about 20 seconds. There will be some melted hot spots and
some cold spots in the chocolate.
The distance between the melted areas is half the wavelength of the microwaves
or the distance between the antinodes. So, from this simple experiment, and
some easy math, you can work out the speed of light!
Distance between the hot spots ______________________________cm
Wavelength _____________________________________________cm
Wavelength _____________________________________________m
Frequency of the microwave ________________________________m
EQUATION _____________________________________________
Your calculated speed of light _______________________________m/s

Electromagnetic Radiation

Think of an technological application of electromagnetic radiation in your life today and explain how your life would be different without it. This should be a post on your own blog.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What is up with Mercury? Lab 3 (10 pts)

Look up the rotation rate and the revolution rate of Mercury at What happened in the lab we did with class? What does it mean for the a) rotation rate of mars? b) the intensity of radio waves over time? c) the meaning of the five slices of data we got back over time? Post your answer in your blog...

Monday, September 8, 2008

What is it? (10 pts)

Click here for an alternative to the UFO explanation.

What is YOUR opinion on the Tunguska explosion? Meteor, comet, nuclear blast? Place a post on your blog, with three pieces of evidence to support your rationale.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Why Does a Magnet Matter (10 pts)

The earth contains a giant magnet. Van Allen pointed this out, discovering the radiation belts for which he is famous. This leads to the auroras, or Northern and Southern lights.

Watch the clip and give 3 pieces of evidence for the earth experiencing magnetic reversal. Also explain why the earth as a magnet is such an important feature. You may do this in your blog or here, in the comments section.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Reflecting vs. Refracting Telescope (10 pts)

Compare Newton's telescope to Galileo's telescope, and then answer the following on the comments section of this blog.

What advantages did Newton's telescope have over Galileo's?
Why were people afraid Galileo's telescope was a 'blasphemy'?
What impact did the telescope have on our society? List three advantages that occurred as a result of the improvement.

The Moons of Jupiter: Astro Lab 2 (20 points)

Did you know that Jupiter has 63 moons? You need to know about4 ofthem by doing the activity found at CLEA on a Windows-based machine.

Go to here and download Juplab.exe. Track the progress of the 4 moons of Jupiter of 30 days, and then graph the patterns generated. Hand these in, after answering the following questions:

a) what patterns are observed, and what does that suggest?
b) why did Galileo see this as a 'mini-solar system'
c) what is so special about Io?
d) how do your findings relate to Kepler's laws?

Please make a comment on the COMMENTS section of this blog post, rather than your own.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Scaling the Solar System (10 points)

Today, you will use the part of the solar system you chose yesterday and create a new personal blog post. If you chose a part of the solar system not mentioned on the sites given, assume you are on Mars, instead.

Go to:

Now, answer the following questions:

a) If the solar system was the length of the hallway between my room and guidance, and the Sun was in my room, where would Earth be located? What about your solar system feature? Why do you believe this?

b) If you were three years old on your planet, how old would you be on Earth? Why the difference?

c) If you weighed 200 lbs on earth, how much would you weigh on your planet? Which planet in the solar system would make you the heaviest? Why does this matter?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One Great Part of the Solar System

Find a YouTube or other video clip that describes your planetary features. Watch it. Embed it into your blog.

Summarize your top five facts from the adventure in your blog post. (15 points)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Am I Wrong or Am I Right? (10 pts)

Here are the class responses to the movie "Great Books: Galileo's Dialogue. Take some time to look at these, and find three points you agree with and three points you disagree with. Explain your rationale.

This should be a comment at the end of the post.

Due Date 8/29/2008

Astro Lab 1: the Number of Stars in the Heaven (20 pts)

Go outside one night in the next week, and use a toilet paper tube as your viewfinder. Point your viewfinder towards three different constellations in the sky (use your starmap or stellarium to identify them). Look through the viewfinder and count the number of stars you see. Post on your blog in a list

Constellation Name # of Stars I Saw

Now, take an average of those three counts, and multiply by 100. This gives you the number of stars you can see in the sky on an average night.

How does this work? Well, the average tube is about 11.5 cm long, and about 2.3 cm across. If we calculated the Surface Area of a sphere that was made entirely of toilet paper tubes (4 pi * r^2=1667 cm^2

If we figure each tube is about 2.3 cm across, the Area of the tube is about pi*2.3^2= cm^2=16.7 cm^2. 1667/16.7 = about 100 tubes to view the entire night sky... assuming you have the same type of toilet paper I do.


So, do you expect everyone in the class to get the same number of stars according to a range of say, +/- 100? Yes or no? Explain your rationale.

Due Date 9/4

Friday, August 22, 2008

History and the Universe (25 pts)

Scale the Solar System

Compile the following information into a project that reflects your understanding of the history of astronomy. This can be a series of powerpoint slides, a music video, a vlog, a youtube video, or a paper timeline.

Aristotle, Hipparchus, Ptolemy, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Pope Gregory XIII, Albert Michelson (Michelson-Morley experiment), James Van Allen, Bode, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Edwin Hubble, Albert Einstein, Johannes Kepler, Clyde Tombaugh, Annie Cannon, Robert Wilson, S. Chandrasekhar .

For each astronomer: Include the years of their birth/death dates and a picture. Hint: Google Images will be especially helpful with this.

For each astronomer: Include one or two relevant contributions in astronomy (um, Galileo has FIVE), as well as the approximate year of those discoveries. Note if the information is from your book or a website Also note that this is a survey of astronomers; as a result, not all information will be found in your book.

Slide sorter: Use the slide sorter on Powerpoint to put the astronomers into order chronologically. Mail electronically, post on your blog, but do NOT print a paper copy unless it is a visual timeline. Notify me in the comments when you are done.

Use your book, Chapters 1 and 2, the index, and especially the links on pp 39 and pp. 57. While the pictures do not need to be referenced, the source for each astronomer MUST be listed at the bottom of each page.

Note: WIKIPEDIA is NOT a valid reference that can be listed. Neither is They are starting points for future reference.

Due Date: 8/28/2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008


What is the URL of your blog? By now, you should have one. When you get it, I need you to send me a link: via facebook, text, or email(mapowellATmapowellDOTorg)

Create a first post that tells me something about who you are. This is worth 10 points and must be completed by Monday, 8/25.